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Q. Nutrition Facts Kimchi


the king of all fermented vegetables

Due to the wide range of nutrients and vitamins contained in kimchi through the ingredients and the way it is preserved, it was and is an ideal source of food for times when fresh fruit and vegetables are not available in order to provide the body with these substances in sufficient quantities place. Kimchi is rich in Vitamin A (from leafy greens like Chinese cabbage, chili, green onions, Mustardscroll), vitamin C (mainly from chili, but also from green onions, mustard leaves) and other vitamins, iron (from leafy vegetables, mussels), minerals (mustard leaves and ginger), proteins  (made of cucumber, radish and above all oysters and fish sauce), in up to 17 different amino acids disintegrate, and Allinallicin and allicepids (garlic). The lactic acid and acetic acid have a germicidal effect. The vitamin content also increases, within three weeks the proportion of vitamins doubles.B1B2 and B12[6]. The fiber  promote digestion, the garlic and chillies are the  cholesterol contentof blood lowered.


Q. What is kimchi eaten with?

As a salad mix with bread / with boiled rice / grilled meat (bulgogi) / cheese / potato dishes (raclette) / pizza, spaghetti and much more



Q. how is kimchi made?

Q. Where can I buy kimchi in Switzerland?

Soul Kimchi is available in the Lorraine shop LOLA and in the Matte shop in Bern.

Q. How do I store kimchi at home?

Always store in the fridge below 7 degrees.  Best consumed within 3 months after opening. Because kimchi is fermented, it cannot expire. If the kimchi gets a bit sour, you can use it to make kimchi soup (kimchi-jige).  

*Kimchi-jjige Preparation(김치찌게요리 on Youtube: )

Kimchi preparation.JPG
kimchi preparation1.JPG

Various information and articles about kimchi in media

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