Liebe geschätzte Kunden unseres Online-Shops
Wir möchten uns herzlich für Ihren Besuch und Ihre Bestellung von Kimchi bedanken. Soulkimchi begann zunächst als B2B-Betrieb, hat jedoch seit nunmehr vier Jahren seinen Online-Shop für Kimchi-Kunden geöffnet.
Es hat uns in der Zwischenzeit sehr gefreut, zahlreiche Komplimente von Kunden und Kimchi-Fans zu erhalten. Leider sehen wir uns jedoch gezwungen, unseren Online-Shop ab 2024 zu schließen. Der Grund hierfür liegt darin, dass Kimchi als fermentierte Lebensmittel für den Versandweg nicht optimal geeignet ist. Probleme wie Transportprobleme per Postweg und Beutelaufblähung aufgrund hoher Temperaturen haben uns zu dieser Entscheidung veranlasst. Es tut uns aufrichtig leid.
Wir danken Ihnen sehr für Ihr Verständnis.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Das Team von Soulkimchi
Very fine kimchi and great customer service. I've tried both the normal and the vegan variety and I think Soulkimchi makes the best kimchi made in Switzerland. I find the aluminum bag as packaging (when ordering) very practical and you don't smell anything in the fridge.
-Sophie N
Super delicious kimchi - thank you
Original taste!
Just a bit expensive if man want to eat it every day..
Hello, I think your kimchi is great! Unfortunately there is no store near me to buy it. When I buy the vegan kimchi from them on the web, like lahow long does it last? I would then buy a larger quantity. Thank you very much!
I've been a regular customer for a long time and will remain so, best kimchi in Switzerland and very nice people, I support that gerne :) keep it up!
-Nicole G
......actually nothing, for me it should still beh give a sharper variant.
I've already tried a few abhe thisI like the product best. Eat it almost every day if available :-) I also appreciate that this product is made in Switzerland.
-Marco F
My parents lived in Seoul for 7 years, where I was born and spent the first three years of my life. In 2015 I was back in Seoul with my family for the first time and I also traveled to Korea with them and got to know the culture of my native country. Now does that make me a kimchi expert? Certainly not. Nevertheless, I dare to say that the vegan soul kimchi is a top-class kimchi with 100% Korean taste. To date I have not found anything remotely comparable in Switzerland. Thank you very much, dear Kim family!
- RS
The best kimchi - and that too in the village shop in Oberwangen!
- BZ
"I just tried your vegan kimchi. Wow, finally I found a good kimchi in Switzerland! I was in Seoul for four months last year and fell in love with the country, people, culture and food. Thanks for the authentic taste"
- Thomas
"It's super delicious. The glass is already almost empty. I don't really like spicy dishes, but [Soul Kimchi] is just bombastic and super tasty."
- RS
"Wow, I discovered your vegan kimchi at Lola today and I'm blown away. Thank you for this wonderful product. As a food manufacturer, we also ferment various vegetables. I'm delighted that Bern has now gained a product with your kimchi."
- C.
"PS: Keep it up! I've been a big kimchi fan for years and have never eaten anything better than soul kimchi :-)
- Christian